of the




Article I


The name of this Unit shall be the United Methodist Men of the First United Methodist Church of National City, South District, California-Pacific Annual Conference; chartered and certified annually by the General Commission on the United Methodist Men.

Article II


The United Methodist Men in this Unit shall be a purposive, creative, and supportive fellowship of men who desire to have a deeper knowledge and understanding of Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior; to be spiritually integrated by faith into His Life and Ministry. Its basic objective is to uphold and affirm the centrality of Christ in their lives leading to a character conformed into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ; manifested in their personal and interpersonal relations.

Article III


Section 1: To encourage members to have a deep knowledge and understanding of the Holy Scripture, both the Old and New Testament; to recognize the Holy Scripture as the sole authority in matters of faith and practice; and support the total mission of the United Methodist Church.

Section 2: To actively participate in exploring, experiencing, witnessing and sharing to others the Gospel message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; and to witness faithfully in one’s personal and social conduct.

Section 3: To address the issues and concerns in our contemporary society by looking at them through a sound biblical perspective so that members may understand how God moves and manifests His will in our context of time and history.

Section 4: Encourage members to journey steadfastly and faithfully on their road to discipleship and become a true follower of Jesus Christ.

Section 5: Members must take time to study and become familiar with the United Methodist Church, its Book of Discipline, organization, doctrines, and belief.

Section 6: To be integrated in the different levels of operation of the United Methodist Men; District, Conference, and General Commission on the United Methodist Men and be able to fulfill the goals and objectives stated here in the areas of our concern.

Section 7: To support the National Congress of United Methodist Men, the National Prayer Ministry, Bible Study Program, Scouting Ministry, Every Man Shares Program (Evangelism, Mission, and Spiritual Life) and other ministries, programs, and projects sponsored by the General Commission on United Methodist Men.

Section 8: To support the District-wide projects and to seek a sense of community belongingness among men of the South District Annual and California-Pacific (CAL-PAC) Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Section 9: To demonstrate support and commitment to the programs, care, and development of the facilities of the First United Methodist Church of National City, California.

Article IV


Section 1: To commune daily with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through personal Bible study and prayer.

Section 2: To take upon oneself the responsibility to grow and develop in one’s faith journey into the Gospel message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; to have an in depth knowledge on what the Cross of Jesus represents.

Section 3: To grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit who dwells in us; the Flame in the Cross that sealed us for the day of our redemption.

Section 4: To be faithful and obedient to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s mandate “to love one another as I have loved you”.

Section 5: To encourage members to partake in some definite Christian service like joining Bible study groups, participating in the Choir or volunteering to be of service to our youth groups.

Section 6: To encourage members to participate in spiritual discipline such as fasting and meditation.

Article V


Section 1: Men who subscribe to the concerns and objectives stated above.

Section 2: Membership maybe open to any man provided they embrace,subscribe, and uphold the Constitution and By-Laws of the United Methodist Men of the First United Methodist Church of National City.

Section 3: The duly appointed pastor(s) and the lay leader(s) of the church shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

Article VI


Section 1: The officers of this United Methodist Men’s Unit shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be elected at the stated annual meeting.

Section 2: The term of office of all elected officers shall be for two years.

Section 3: The officers can only be re-elected for two consecutive terms in the office they hold. Former officers may be elected again to the former position of Officers after a rest of two years.

Article VII


Section 1: This Unit shall hold meetings as specified in the By-Laws. The meeting held during the month of June shall be designated as the annual
meeting. The election of officers shall take place at this meeting except the organizational meeting of the UMM Unit of FUMCNC which can be held any month of the year. Additional or special meetings of this Unit may be called upon by the President, contingent on the necessity of such a meeting.

Section 2: There shall be a 1/2 (one-half) attendance of membership or quorum in order to transact business and for a meeting to be valid and legally binding.

Article VIII


Section 1: There shall be three standing Committees in this Unit necessary for the creation of programs and the implementation of the same in fulfilling our personal objectives and the areas of our concerns.

Section 2: The Standing Committees shall be the Committee on Membership and Growth; the Committee on Christian Education; and the Committee on Projects and Special Events.

Section 3: Other Committees may be formed by the President after consultation with the Executive Committee and is under his discretion according to its necessity.

Section 4: The Chairpersons of the Standing Committees shall be elected during the Annual Meeting whose term of office shall be co-terminus with the Officers.

Article IX


Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be composed by the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and all the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees. The pastor (s) and the lay leader (s) are Ex-Officio members of the Executive Committee with power to vote.

Section 2: The general administration and supervision of the affairs of these Units are vested in the Executive Committee.

Article X


The function and the work of this Unit shall be correlated with the total programs of the church as initiated and directed by the Church Council under the leadership of the pastor.

Article XI


Section 1: There shall be yearly dues that members of this Unit must comply in order to be in good standing.

Section 2: Amount of yearly dues is determined and approved in the Annual Meeting of this Unit.

Section 3: The finances of this Unit shall mainly come from the membership dues paid by the members.

Section 4: Other funding sources for the programs of the Unit must come from the ways and means recommended and approved by the Executive Committee.

Article XII


Section 1: The Constitution of the United Methodist Men Unit of the First United Methodist Church of National City can be Amended every two years from the day of its adoption and ratification.

Section 2: Advance one month notice by the Executive Committee must be given to all members regarding what is to be amended and the proposed amendment presented so that members will have ample time to study it.

Section 3: Two-third’s vote from the general membership is required in order to pass the amendment.


Article I


The Order of Business for this Unit shall be conducted in an orderly and business-like manner according to the Constitution and By-laws. It shall be deliberated and conducted according to Robert’s Rule of Order.

Article II


Section 1: President. The President shall be the presiding officer of the Unit and shall preside at the annual, regular, and special meetings; he shall also preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee. The President shall have the general oversight over the activities of the Unit; be an ex officio member of the standing Committees. He shall familiarize himself with the work of the UMM’s President of the District, UMM’s President of the Conference, and the General Commission on the United Methodist Men.  The President shall also create an internal audit committee to look into the financial status of the Unit and report its finding in the annual meeting.  The President must make his report at the Annual Meeting with a stress on the accomplishments of the Unit in his term of office.

Section 2: Vice-President. The Vice-President shall assist the President, accept assignments made to him by the President, and preside over all the meetings when the President is absent and assume full responsibility for that office.
Section 3: Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible in keeping files, records, and documents that belong to the Unit for historical purposes. He shall take note of the minutes of all meetings; annual, regular, and special; and prepare the Reading of the Minutes in the following meeting for correction, if any, and to see that it is subsequently accepted and approved for record filing. The Secretary must also make his report in the Annual Meeting, stressing accomplishment of the Unit that maybe considered as our historical landmark or monument.

Section 4: Treasurer. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all funds. Adequate records must be kept; receipts must support the liquidation expenses of the Unit whatever they may be. The Treasurer must present a financial report on a quarterly basis to alert the Unit of its financial stability. A yearly financial report must also be presented in the Annual Meeting.

Article III


Section 1: The Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall take charge of the administrative function and oversee the activities of the Unit.  It shall make plans and programs for the ensuing administrative year for the Unit which is June of the current year and ends in May of the following year.  It shall conduct planning conference, prior to the annual meeting, to be able to draw program of activities for the ensuing administrative year, June-May; and prepare budget for operating expenses to be presented and approved on the annual meeting. The Executive Committee shall also monitor, analyze, and evaluate current existing programs if they are responsive to the needs of the Unit; is able to present recommendations for adoption and approval in the annual meeting.

Section 2: The Standing Committees. The Standing Committees of this Unit shall be three, namely; the Committee on Membership and Growth, the
Committee on Christian Education, and the Committee on Projects and Special Events. These three committees are vital in chartering the faith journey of this Unit. Each committee shall be composed of three members including the chairperson. The Chairperson of these Standing Committees shall be elected from the floor during the annual meeting while members of the different committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson. The Chairperson of the different Committees is a member of the Executive Committee.

Section 2a: The Committee on Membership and Growth. The Committee on Membership and Growth shall be responsible in planning for programs and activities that will lead to increase in membership and growth for the ensuing administrative year, June – May; they must ensure the participation of male members, 18 years old and above, in the life and ministry of this Unit; and must see to it that their participation is maximized to the fullest. The Committee must be able to present their programs and operating expenses, if any, to the Executive Committee for recommendation and approval in the Annual Meeting.

Section 2b: The Committee on Christian Education. The Committee on Christian Education shall be responsible in chartering programs and activities that will provide spiritual growth in members faith journey; spiritual nurture must be sustained in forming the Christ like image in members character and testimony. They must constantly monitor, analyze, evaluate, and recommend measures in strengthening the Christian Education program of this Unit; must also be able to present their operating expenses, if any, to the Executive Committee for recommendation and approval in the Annual Meeting.

Section 2c: The Committee on Projects and Special Events. The Committee on Projects and Special Events is the financial backbone of the United Methodist Men’s Unit of the First United Methodist Church of National City.  It is responsible in organizing and chartering fund raising projects and activities that will generate revenues for the operating expenses of the Unit. It shall turn over immediately to the Treasurer all monies generated from various activities upon receipt, for proper recording and accounting procedures. The Committee shall dedicate themselves in finding ways and means to generate funds for the Unit.

Section 3: Other Committees. The President may form other committees after consultation with the Executive Committee and is under his discretion according to its necessity.

Section 4: All Chairpersons of the Standing Committees shall be elected during the Annual Meeting whose term of office shall be co-terminus with the Officers, except during the organizational meeting of the UMM Unit of the FUMCNC which can happen any month of the year when formally organized.

Section 5: The Board of Election and Canvassers. The Board of Election and Canvassers shall be convened at the Annual Meeting of this Unit and also during the organizational meeting of the UMM Unit of the FUMCNC which can happen any month of the year; they shall be composed of three members; the pastor, the lay leader, and the associate lay leader. They must be convened before the proceedings on the election of Officers and Committee Chairpersons begin. They shall take charge of the election process from beginning to end and announce the result of the election proceedings.

Article IV


Section 1: The Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the United Methodist Men’s Unit of the First United Methodist Church of National City shall be held every 1st Saturday of the month at a place and time to be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2: The Executive Committee Meetings. The Executive Committee meetings shall be held quarterly; every 1st Sunday of the 3rd month of the Administrative year of June-to-May.

Section 3: The Special and Emergency Meetings. Special and emergency meetings shall be called upon by the President as the need arises.

Section 4: The Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting will be held in the month of June; time and place shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The Annual Meeting is conducted for the purpose of collating annual reports from the President, Treasurer, Secretary, standing committees and Auditor; presentation of programs and budget for the succeeding administrative year from the different Standing Committees; and the election of Officers and Committee Chairpersons.

Article V


Section 1: Voting in an election of Officers and Chairpersons of the Standing Committees shall be by secret ballot.

Section 2: Voting on other matters at all regular, special or emergency meetings shall be by voice vote, show of hands, or by standing unless specified and changed by the Executive Committee.

Section 3: An absentee member/s may be nominated and elected to any office provided he made known and signified his intention to accept and perform the duties and responsibilities of the said office.

Article VI


Section 1: When a vacancy occurs in any offices or committees, the Executive Committee shall be convened for the purpose of resolving the problem.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall deliberate on the possible replacement and submit names for consideration.

Section 3: By a vote of majority (50% + 1) by the Executive Committee, the one voted upon shall be informed that he is hereby appointed by the Executive Committee as a replacement for the vacant office whose term shall begin immediately for the duration of the said office.

Article VII


Section 1: The By-Laws may be amended at the Annual Meeting of this Unit. The Executive Committee must furnish the general membership with one month notice of the Article (s) to be amended and the proposed amendment so that enough time maybe given to study it.

Section 2: Amendment to the By-Laws can be made every two years at the stated Annual Meeting.

Section 3: It shall take a 2/3rd’s vote of the general membership before any amendment can be passed.

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